As a kid, my mother always pressured me to eat more fruits, which I really hated as you can imagine – back then, my only interaction with fruits was occurring when they were incorporated in a tart or at least in a salad, combined with lots of cream and chocolate.

Now, with the danger called gravity threatening to strike my face any moment and realizing the secret to healthy skin doesn’t lie in my make-up case, I turned to the fountain of youth standing at the grocery: fruits and veggies. Great vitamin providers, these reliable babes sneaked not only in my diet but also in my beauty regimen – I soon discovered that an Avocado facial is a better moisturizer than most of the creams while the lemon cleanser has just become my go-to whenever I aim for a glowing complexion.

Wanting to share with you the benefits of fruit facials, here are five of my favorite recipes, guaranteed to make your skin feel healthier with every use.


Bananas work fabulous on oily skin, smoothing and nourishing your skin while employing antioxidants to purify and youthify.

Use it as a rejuvenating mask: Mash half of a ripe banana with two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of lemon or orange juice. Apply to your face for 15 minutes, then wash off for an instant glow.


The apple contains vitamins A, B, and C and which your skin will absorb, contains antioxidant properties, and helps relieve damage from the sun.

Use it as a smoothing mask: Half an apple, peeled and sliced, add one tablespoon of honey, one egg yolk, a dash of vinegar and two tablespoons of oil (you can use extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil), Blend all the ingredients until it’s smooth. APPLY ON face and keep for 15 minutes before washing off with warm water


Strawberries contain natural salicylic acid to gently exfoliate, remove impurities and rid the skin of dead cells, making pores appear smaller and your complexion look smooth and bright.

They work wonders as purifying facial: puree 1/2 cup ripe strawberries with 1/4 cup cornstarch. Then, apply to skin for 30 minutes and rinse off with cool water.



Lemons are a natural source of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and antioxidants. They are found in many natural skin care recipes for not only the cleansing attributes but for toning and exfoliating the skin.

Use them as natural exfoliators: mix 1/8 cup ground almonds with 2 tbs milk or cream and 1 tsp lemon juice. Combine thoroughly, and use to gently cleanse skin. Rinse with warm water.



The “alligator pear” provides a rich source of vitamins A, B, D and E and actually contains more potassium than a banana. Avocado penetrates the skin evenly and quickly, and as a result moisturizes amazingly and helps fill up fine lines & wrinkles.

Use it as a moisturizing mask: Mash up an avocado with 1 egg yolk and apply to face for 20 minutes, then wash it off to reveal much more supple skin.



