Spring always brings a lot of positive energy into my life, it feeds my desire of trying new stuff, which I wouldn’t normally think of- things like getting a new haircut or completely changing my dressing style suddenly don’t seem impossible to achieve. Still, after thinking things through and deciding a new haircut is too much of a risk, everything left for me to try is a style upgrade.

And what better way to start than with a well-deserved wardrobe reorganization – this way the things I haven’t worn for years will wave “goodbye” and leave room for new ones, bought with the one and only purpose of transforming me into a spring babe.

Easier said than done – not more than 30 minutes after starting the operation wardrobe cleaning my soft side took control and things that I haven’t worn for years, like the embedded maxi bought out of impulse or those jeans that don’t even fit me anymore, returned quietly in the back of my closet. The worse is that I didn’t even try to fight this situation, I approved it by thinking: maybe I will wear this stuff someday; after all, who knows when I’ll be sorry I let them go.  

Now, struggling to squeeze my spring acquisitions into my shrinking wardrobe, I almost feel sorry I am still keeping the oldies.  After all, it is a lose-lose situation: my wardrobe isn’t getting any bigger so the new buys will not get the treatment they deserve and I still haven’t found any utility for the old stuff…

 What about you? Do you confront with the same situation while cleaning your wardrobe?
